Bookmarked by Piper Vaughn
Decently written, from a grammatical standpoint, but there was no emotional resonance; the author never made me feel for the characters. There was very little conflict to drive the story, and what conflict there was ended up resolved quickly and easily and feeling like it had no real or lasting impact on the characters. Mark and Shepherd's romance didn't feel like it had any real basis, either; we're told that they're attracted to each other, but we never really feel that attraction. In fact, there's a lot of telling rather than showing, which keeps this story from reaching its potential.
Overall it's a bit of mildly entertaining fluff, and while I don't actually resent having spent 99 cents on it, I probably won't be buying more from this author in the future, either.
(Note: My star rating for this differs on Goodreads and Amazon, because of the difference in definition between the two sites. I'm rating it "it was ok" in both places, but on Goodreads that's two stars and on Amazon—and here—that's three.)